As I've blogged about before, we are doing an oral history report for our research project. Sam, Katie, Dave and I are including two interviews in our oral history. 

Partner Duties/Collaboration
I conducted the interview yesterday with a woman who lives the organic lifestyle. Katie conducted an interview with her sister, Victoria who is a junk food fanatic. Our goal is to compare these two interviews and prove that Organic eating is more beneficial for the health of people. Katie and I will both come up with introductions for our interviews since we know the most about them. Sam and Dave are going to provide each interview with an afterward once they view each interview. Our group is working collaboratively because all four of us worked together to find what our research question is, and we all came up with interview questions together. We are all working separately on this project because we are each doing different pieces, but in the end it will all be put together into one project.
Interview Details
Yesterday I interviewed the woman I babysit for because she is someone who lives the organic lifestyle. Although I wasn't really sure what to expect from this interview, I don't think it really went the way I wanted it to. The questions we had were really good, but the feedback didn't provide us with enough information. The woman's two year old daughter was also in the kitchen with us while I was doing the interview, so that was very distracting. Throughout the interview recording, you can hear her voice interrupting. The interview only lasted four minutes because of how impatient the little girl was and I felt awkward keeping her mother from her. I wrapped it up pretty quickly because I felt like I wasn't getting enough information out of her. Hopefully this interview will be good enough to use, but if it isn't we will need to shift our focus to Katie's sister's interview.

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