This past week has been extremely eye opening for me! Wow. I never really knew how bad our food was for us! I can honestly say that I haven't eaten meat in the past week due to watching the movie Food Inc. and reading the articles written by Michael Pollan and Wendell Berry. This has opened me up to a whole new world of eating healthy. I have been sticking to fruits, vegetables, and lots of fish. It's not even difficult for me. This weekend my friends had a BBQ and they were all eating hotdogs  and hamburgers and I stayed far away. I almost wanted to throw up. I couldn't even look at the burgers knowing what is actually put into them. I'm usually really addicted to eating chicken, I think I'll be able to get used to it but if I need to, I think that I might try and stick to getting chicken from a poultry farm. The Pleasures of Eating Healthy gave us a ton of suggestions. After reading this I decided I'm going to contribute some plants to our garden at my house this summer. My mom already has tomato plants and cucumbers, but I want to add more vegetables. I'm excited to start this new healthy lifestyle!
3/29/2012 01:42:41 am

Are you going to stick to your Pescetarian lifestyle? I switched almost a year ago. It's not hard if you truly care about what you eat. I'm glad you stayed away from the BBQ food. I alway "Moo" at people eating beef. I don't care what they eat. I just like to make fun. Good luck! Stay strong. =]


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