We were to read Collaborative Writing in Composition Studies by Fontaine and Hunter. This article really went into depth about how collaboration is important in the field of writing. As an education major, I have become extremely familiar with the concept of collaboration because teaching is a field where collaboration is extremely important. Although I have had some cases where working in groups was actually a disadvantage. Some group members didn't do the work, which was reflected in our grade. In writing, collaboration is important because we learn from others. Hearing others speaking about certain topics that we might not completely grasp can aid us in finding a better understanding for it. In the article, it is stated that collaborative writing is  a conversation, a dialogue, a tool for solving problems. In this collaborative research project that, I am working with Katie, Sam, and Dave. We all worked together to compile a list of possible interview questions for our interview that we will be conducting. We also spoke about possible research questions that will help guide our project. I believe that our conversation and dialogue will aid us in completing this project and we will all work together to complete it. Conversation is one of the biggest components of this project, and if we keep communicating like we are, I believe we will be successful.

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