Today I got to present my rough draft of my twitterive today! I was so excited for everybody to see it and hear the feedback from my peers. I want to thank all of them for their great ideas and for sharing their suggestions with me. 
Some of the suggestions the class had given me were:

1. To add dialogue between my coach and I.
2. Rethink the song "I'll be missing you"
3. Personify softball and give it a voice
4. The "everything happens for a reason might not work"
5. Possibly add the dream to the beginning so the audience knows I am longing for it
6. Loss is my place
7. Relate it more to college softball
8. Make a line up card to go along with the journal entry where my name got crossed off.
9. Poem/piece about how it feels to miss softball
10. possibly end it by saying "I'm on deck for whatever life throws at me"

I am so happy that I got a chance to present today so I could get a jump start on revising and making my Twitterive the best it could be!

In class, Professor Mangini had us split up into groups. He put some questions on the board and our group members were to ask us about our own twitterive and they recorded our answers for us. I'm not sure if we got through all of the questions, but here's what I have in my notebook!
1. Who are my characters? Myself, softball, and my coach?
2. What genres did I use? Journal entries, screenshots, definitions, slide shows, wordle, pictures, quotes, youtube video, micro-fiction, definitions, note, song lyrics
3. What is my place? Softball?/Love of the game?/Lost?
4. What is my connection/disconnection to my place? My connection is the hours and days I spent playing softball. My lack of connection to my place is not playing anymore.
My twitterive is coming along very nicely and I'm really happy about it! :)

I have added some new genres to my piece after my discussion with my group on Thursday. I added a letter from me to my main character "softball", I added a list of things to do to get over a "break up", I added a few more screen shots and I also added some lyrics. I'm really looking forward to showing my twitterive off to the class on Tuesday! Maybe they'll have some more suggestions for me!
One of our main assignments for Writing, Research, and Technology is a twitterive. It is a narrative based on tweets. I thought this project would be cool but, wow! I never knew how much fun this project would be! Creating and thinking of different genres is challenging, interesting and fun. I have a rough draft of my twitterive posted under my assignments. I came up with five questions to ask my peers in order to better my work and come up with new ideas!

1. What genres should I add?
2. What do you think my place actually is?
3. Does the order make sense?
4. Should I break up the daily journal entries?
5. Do I need to include more about my past softball experiences or do you think I should stick to my college career?

Pagnucci uses different genres to tell his story. Reading his piece made me get some ideas for my twitterive.  Pagnucci’s conversational tone made his reading easy to follow and I could relate to him. Pagnucci uses white space to separate his different chapters and I really enjoyed it because it split the story up and it was easy to stay focussed while reading it. Like Pagnucci, Ondaajte uses his white space to separate the different genres in his piece. This reminded me of my multi-genre piece for the Writer’s Mind. I used white space to separate each genre so the reader could visually see the different voices. Ondaajte uses pictures in his piece also to show a different aspect of his piece. This made me realize that I’d like to incorporate some pictures in my twitterive. After reading these pieces, I feel very excited and motivated to get my twitterive started!! :)