Pagnucci uses different genres to tell his story. Reading his piece made me get some ideas for my twitterive.  Pagnucci’s conversational tone made his reading easy to follow and I could relate to him. Pagnucci uses white space to separate his different chapters and I really enjoyed it because it split the story up and it was easy to stay focussed while reading it. Like Pagnucci, Ondaajte uses his white space to separate the different genres in his piece. This reminded me of my multi-genre piece for the Writer’s Mind. I used white space to separate each genre so the reader could visually see the different voices. Ondaajte uses pictures in his piece also to show a different aspect of his piece. This made me realize that I’d like to incorporate some pictures in my twitterive. After reading these pieces, I feel very excited and motivated to get my twitterive started!! :)

As I write this post, I can tell you that right now I have twitter, facebook, and weebly up in different windows. I also have my cell phone right by my side, and every few minutes I refresh each of them to see something new and interesting. I can openly admit that I am addicted to social networking. I refresh my news feed on both Twitter and Facebook way more than any human being should. The second I wake up in the morning I check my text messages, notifications and emails before I speak to someone face to face. If I go to class where I can't check these things, I feel as though I'm lost. Its truly pathetic. My dependency on these technologies  have definitely shaped the way I live my life. My room mate and I were talking last night about how facebook really has shaped our lives and we would be so different without it. We both were sitting on our laptops for a half hour before we noticed that we havent even said a word to each other. To me, that's just odd. Sitting in a room with your best friend without speaking to them because you are so wrapped up in what other people are doing or posting. As a reader and writer, I have gotten so used to the short posts or tweets that I read and write, that my attention span has suffered immensely. Writing a paper longer than two pages is such a struggle for me. It takes me way longer than it should. Maybe its a bad thing.. maybe not? Who knows..
Absolutely. I have found that technology tends to distract me throughout all aspects of my life. My iPhone is probably the biggest distraction in my life. Whether it be in class, doing my work, hanging out with my friends or watching a movie, my cellphone never fails to gain my attention. I have missed important information in movies or in class because I was busy at reading my friend's tweets or texting. I have also missed a good part of a conversation that I was engaged in because I was more focussed on my phone. I try and keep my phone at a distance when I am participating in things that are important but I cant seem to keep it away for very long. 
According to Marc Prensky, our generation is designated as the Digital Natives. He says we are native speakers of the digital language of technology. I believe I fit into the category of Digital Natives. Growing up in a household with computers, laptops, flat screen TVs and cell phones, it's hard to imagine living without technology. Although I'm not proud of it, I have become dependent on the internet and my Iphone. I check my Twitter and Facebook accounts way more than any human being should. This dependence on technology has definitely effected me in the classroom. As a learner, I have noticed that my attention span has decreased significantly. It's extremely difficult for me to listen to a professor lecturing longer than a few minutes at a time. In the past few years, Google has become one of my best friends. If I don't know the answer to something or if I'm trying to prove my point in an argument, I quickly turn to Google for the answer. This is problematic because the information stays in my mind for a few minutes and then it is quickly replaced with the next thing that I Google. I feel as though my brain has turned to mush over the past few years. I have no memory and I feel like an idiot when I try and remember important information. Just recently, I went on a cruise to the Bahamas and I did the unthinkable. I had no connection to the outside world for one whole week and I actually enjoyed it! I thought that I would be miserable without texting, phone calls, Facebook, Twitter and email, but I survived. Although there is a huge debate over whether or not technology is helping us or hurting us, it's the way we have been brought up and there is nothing we can really do about it.